Sunday, October 08, 2006
heyysss all.. lol..
today was maths and geog...
well.. i kinda scrwed up my geog so i pray fer the best..
maths... ok.. if i dun get a1 cause of that empty cone question and cut open thing...
i am really gonna run around.. scream my head off and jump off the building..
honestly.. first time i actually feel good bout this test.. lol..
ah well.. over the next two days i am gonna die.. die die die die!!!
i havem't study chinese finish yet.. i cant rmber a shit bout history besides the dates..
1819 which is when s'pore is founded and when raffles signed tad treaty wif tungku hussein..
1950 which is maria hertogh riot..
1954 which is antinational service riots..
1955 which is hock lee bus riots
1956 which is the singapore singapore chinese middle school student's riot
and that communist ideas were spread from russia to china then to malaya then to here..
and that the japs captured s'pore on feb 1942 and left aug 1945..
i am so freakin screwed...
ah wells... i hated history in the first place so who gives a shit? i'm dead all in all.. lol...
and for the first time in my life i feel bad bout science..
i mean like i've forgotten all bout chemistry and bio!
GRARGH!!!!! this really stinks ok?
T.T i am so dead.. and there goes my subject combi..
And here's a shout out to:
lol... happy birthday gurll....
haha..i onli jus found out it was her birtday today wen i went on to msn and she told me..
lol.. heyy..rmber dun use TAD pic to trick guys.. or they'll probably die if they met you in person.. =X..muahahahaha..
and lucky you... dun have exams.. T.T
And to Angela!
well well.. heard you are sick..
well..jiayous la.. try to come fer exams although you'd feel shitty..
hope you get well soon..
yupp yupp..drink lots of water.. study in bed and do well fer exams!
see ya next time!
ah well.. gtg.. wanna make one final attempt to read the chapters of history...
and probably i'll be changing my blog's website soon... but i'll keep in touch with those who
i want to by tagging.. see ya'll..
gd luck fer remaining mid years! tckers!
All Love Lost @
11:36 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
It already has almost been a year.. yet it seems like a life time ago...
life has that effect on you..
It passes so quickly doesn't it?
EOY are already here and i am like an idot here blogging..
ah heck..i'll jus take 20mins...
yesterday was really stupid..
i was listening to mp3..reading geog notes and was walking down to the bus stop..
and this stupid driver had to come all the way in my face and horn at me..
i was shocked out of my freaking skin..
of all things he had to do he had to come straight up to my face.. he couldn't have like horned from far away.. idiot's born every minute and i'm one of them..
yesterday i was suppose to blog but i jus dint feel in the mood...
i was jus too pooped.. really tired and i jus went to take a nap..
stupid.. of all times..
i get one of my stupid insomia nights yesterday..
i dunno why i suddenly got it..
but i felt really down and depressed..
it was just so saddening..
hell.. i jus got up.. went down to get a cup of water and medication and got drugged to sleep..
the stupid medication was for running nose which i obviously dodn't have..
i jus took it fer it's drowsy effect..
so i waited fer bout and hour and soon knocked out onli to wake up at 6.30..
although it somehow felt like i onli slept 5 mins although it was 6 hours..
and i kinda got this hungover effect that morning..
ah well..
and lately i got this stupid pimple outbreak..
i got like so many dots on my face..
geezzz.. can't wait for them to be totally gone..
never liked pimples..
ah well...
oh yeah..
here's a shout out to:wei hua
Sorry fer smashing ur nose fer the SECOND time during basket ball!!
grargh... the first time was i passed the ball to him but he looked away..
and when i shouted out to him, he turned and..SMASH..
then today was that i jumped fer the ball and so did he...
we both landed with me carrying the ball and stupidly enough..
my elbow smashed his nose again.. wha lao..
i dun wanna ding him anymore sia..
and i betta be more careful next time..
It has left a lasting memory in my mind..
I felt both happy and sad..
I felt happy for You..
That You could find what i couldn't provide..
That You were happy..
And i felt sad..
Sad at how pathetic i was..
How lousy i felt..
My days on this world are already numbered..
I don't know how long more i can live..
Another day?
I'll never know..
But i know that i'll always remember You..
And in my dyingt moments i'll smile and say to myself..
"I loved Her with all my heart..
But some how it din't seem enough..
But i'm glad i made it worthwhile.."
Maybe You din't hear it..
But i said my Goodbye..
It's so much easier to just Forget you..
To wipe You totally out of my memory..
Then to know you and to constantly remember You..
These Memories are both my greatest strenght and weakness..
But i know that there will be other strenghts out there..
This is why i choose to forget..
I'll burn to photos..
I'll erase all memories..
I'll tear out those moments in my diary..
And i'll definetly forget You in time..
'Cause i choose to..
I cried..
These Tears i cried..I'll Never ever forget them..
Just so You Know.. I Was..
Of course You wouldn't know..
Hung up inside your own heaven up in the clouds..
while i was stuck down in purgotary..
I saw..You know that i saw..
I cried..And I still am..
I hope it was fun for you to see me fall apart..
Not all sorrows..
All scars and wounds..
All Pains can be seen..
They are all hidden behind this happy face..
I hope i don't ever have to talk to You again..
I don't wish to see You again..
Our paths may cross one day..
But i'll acknowledge You as any other stranger with the same look..
This Friendship was never meant to last..
Your principles tell me so..
I don't hate You..
I can't Hate You..
Maybe one day..i'll greet You with a new name and face..
And defitnately with a new memory..
This is my Last and Final Good Bye..
All Love Lost @
1:48 AM